

Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose – Solution

Industrial grade hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose with mortar to distinguish viscosity, commonly used have the following several grades (unit is viscosity)

1. Low viscosity: 400 is mainly used for self-leveling mortar, but generally imported.

Reason: low viscosity, although poor water retention, but good leveling, high mortar compactness.

2. Medium and low viscosity: 20,000-40000 mainly used for ceramic tile glue, caulking agent, anti-cracking mortar, thermal insulation bonding mortar, etc.

Reason: good construction, less water, high density of mortar.

1, what is the main use of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC)?

HPMC is widely used in building materials, coatings, synthetic resins, ceramics, medicine, food, textiles, agriculture, cosmetics, tobacco and other industries. HPMC can be divided into: construction grade, food grade and medical grade by use. At present, most of the domestic construction grade, in the construction grade, putty powder dosage is large, about 90% is used to make putty powder, the rest is used to make cement mortar and glue.

2, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) is divided into several, what is the difference in its use?

HPMC can be divided into instant and hot solution type, instant products, in cold water quickly dispersed, disappear in the water, at this time the liquid has no viscosity, because HPMC is just dispersed in the water, no real dissolution. About 2 minutes, the viscosity of the liquid slowly increases, forming a transparent viscous colloid. Hot soluble products, in cold water, can be quickly dispersed in hot water, disappear in hot water, when the temperature drops to a certain temperature, viscosity slowly appears, until the formation of transparent viscous colloid. Hot solution can only be used in putty powder and mortar, in the liquid glue and paint, there will be a group phenomenon, can not be used. Instant SOLUTION MODEL, RANGE OF APPLICATION IS A FEW WIDER, IN BE BORED WITH CHILD POWDER AND MORTAR, AND IN LIQUID GLUE AND COATING, ALL CAN USE, WITHOUT what CONTRAINDICATION.

3, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) solubility methods have those?

– A: Hot water dissolution method: Because HPMC is not dissolved in hot water, so early HPMC can be evenly dispersed in hot water, and then quickly dissolved when cooled, two typical methods are described as follows:

1) Put the required amount of hot water into the container and heat it to about 70℃. Gradually add hydroxypropyl methylcellulose under slow stirring, HPMC began to float on the surface of the water, and then gradually form a slurry, under stirring cooling the slurry.

2), add the required amount of 1/3 or 2/3 water in the container, and heat to 70℃, according to the method of 1), HPMC dispersion, preparation of hot water slurry; Then add the remaining amount of cold water to the hot slurry, stir and cool the mixture.

Powder mixing method: HPMC powder and a large number of other powdery material ingredients, thoroughly mixed with a blender, after adding water to dissolve, then HPMC can dissolve at this time, but not cohesion, because each small corner, only a little HPMC powder, water will immediately dissolve. – Putty powder and mortar production enterprises are using this method. Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) is used as thickening agent and water retaining agent in putty powder mortar.

4, how simple and intuitive to determine the quality of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC)?

– Answer: (1) whiteness: although whiteness can not determine whether HPMC is good to use, and if it is added in the production process of whitening agent, will affect its quality. However, good products are mostly white.

(2) fineness: HPMC fineness generally 80 mesh and 100 mesh, 120 less purpose, Hebei HPMC mostly 80 mesh, the finer the fineness, generally the better.

(3) transmittance: the hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) into the water, the formation of a transparent colloid, see its transmittance, the greater the transmittance, the better, the less insoluble material inside. The permeability of the vertical reactor is generally good, the horizontal reactor is worse, but can not show that the quality of the vertical reactor production is better than that of the horizontal reactor production, product quality is determined by many factors.

(4) specific gravity: the greater the specific gravity, the heavier the better. Than significant, generally because the content of hydroxypropyl is high, hydroxypropyl content is high, then water retention is better.

5, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) in the amount of putty powder?

– Answer: HPMC in the actual application of the dosage, by the climate environment, temperature, local calcium ash quality, putty powder formula and “customer requirements of quality”, and there are different. Generally speaking, between four and five kilograms. For example: Beijing putty powder, mostly put 5 kg; In Guizhou, most of them are 5 kg in summer and 4.5 kg in winter. Yunnan’s quantity is small, generally 3 kg -4 kg and so on.

6, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) how much viscosity is appropriate?

– Answer: BE bored WITH CHILD POWDER GENERAL 100 THOUSAND OK, THE REQUIREMENT IN MORTAR IS SOME TALLER, WANT 150 THOUSAND ABILITY TO USE. Moreover, the most important role of HPMC is water retention, followed by thickening. In putty powder, as long as the water retention is good, the viscosity is low (7-80 thousand), it is also possible, of course, the viscosity is larger, the relative water retention is better, when the viscosity is more than 100 thousand, the viscosity has little effect on the water retention.

7, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) what are the main technical indicators?

A: Hydroxypropyl content and viscosity, which are what most users are concerned about. Hydroxypropyl content is high, water retention is generally better. Viscosity, water retention, relative (but not absolute) is also better, and viscosity, in cement mortar better use some.

8, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) the main raw materials are what?

– Answer: hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (HPMC) of the main raw materials: refined cotton, chloromethane, propylene oxide, other raw materials have, tablet alkali, acid, toluene, isopropyl alcohol, etc.

9, HPMC in the application of putty powder, what is the main role, whether chemistry?

HPMC in putty powder, thickening, water retention and construction of three roles. Thickening: Cellulose can be thickened to play a suspension, so that the solution to maintain uniform up and down the same role, anti flow hanging. Water retention: make putty powder dry more slowly, auxiliary ash calcium reaction under the action of water. Construction: Cellulose has lubricating effect, can make putty powder has good construction. HPMC does not participate in any chemical reactions, only plays an auxiliary role. Putty powder added water, on the wall, is a chemical reaction, because there is the generation of new material, putty powder on the wall down from the wall, ground into powder, and then used, it is no longer, because has formed a new material (calcium carbonate). The main components of grey calcium powder are: Ca(OH)2, CaO and a small amount of CaCO3 mixture, CaO+H2O=Ca(OH)2 – Ca(OH)2+CO2=CaCO3↓+H2O calcium ash in water and air under the action of CO2, the formation of calcium carbonate, and HPMC only water retention, auxiliary calcium ash better reaction, its own did not participate in any reaction.

10, HPMC non-ionic cellulose ether, then what is non-ionic?

A: Generally speaking, nonionic is a substance in water that does not ionize. Ionization is the process by which an electrolyte is dissociated into freely moving charged ions in a specific solvent, such as water or alcohol. For example, sodium chloride (NaCl), the salt we eat every day, dissolves in water and ionizes to produce free-moving sodium ions (Na+) that are positively charged and chloride ions (Cl) that are negatively charged. In other words, HPMC in water does not dissociate into charged ions, but exists as molecules.

Post time: Feb-14-2025